Can your group, business, department, organization, club, neighborhood, etc. spare an evening to prepare and serve dinner at the Dover Interfaith Mission For Housing (DIMH)?
It’s surprisingly easy to do at relatively small costs for time well spent.
For information, please contact DIMH's Miss Wilma at 302-736-3600 or e-mail: She can help and advise about how best to arrange a meal for these men. Or, simply call to learn more. (The shelter is located at 684 Forest Street, Dover, DE 19904).
Volunteers serving dinner prepare their dishes at home and/or cook right at the shelter’s large-scale, fully-equipped kitchen. CLICK HERE FOR PHOTOS OF THE DIMH KITCHEN available to those serving dinner. CLICK HERE FOR 20 PHOTOS of the Woodbrook neighborhood serving up their specially prepared meal.
Click here for volunteer opportunities at the shelter.
Click here for needed items. Click here for donation information.